On Sunday: Amazing Race, Kings, Brothers & Sisters, Desperate Housewives & Rock of Love Bus

The Amazing RaceEp. “She’s A Little Scared of the Stick”

This week the contestants remained in Syberia while attempting to obtain a lead on the other contestants. In the midst of the race, Michael identified a new archetype; the “sinister deaf kid” has now entered the mainstream. This label was created after Luke and Margie were identified as the ones who used the “blind road block” in the previous leg. Also, Tammy and Victor have put themselves on the radars of other teams as they have employed less than ethical race tactics. I think that they were kind of idiotic when dealing with the situation. Since they had already said that they were going to work with the other two teams, to decide to break from the pack even though continuing to work with the other teams would have been more beneficial to them in the long run. Also, the ened up getting ot the location after the others anyways. Bad move Victor and Tammy!! Now none of the teams trust you.

In the end, Christie & Jodi were the last to arrive at the pit stop in the Russian ballet but they were lucky that this was the first of who knows how many non-elimination rounds. As such, Christie and Jodi are able to move on to the next leg but they will encounter a speed bump that could cause them to not achieve their goal…beat one other team.

Desperate Housewives

Ep. “The Story of Lucy and Jessie”

So apparently Orson’s kleptomania cannot be stopped. Just like last week, I have decided to just comment per housewife.

Edie Britt: So this week, Edie begins to really investigate the past of David Dash. She goes to the newspaper archives and discovers that both David’s wife and child were killed in a car accident three years ago. She has yet to realize the connection to Mike in the incident.

Gabrielle Solis: Gabby has to deal with the death of Carlos’ boss and is pleasantly surprised when Carlos is promoted to the president of the company. However, not everything is dandy in the Solis house as Carlos decides to hire one of his old flames as his vice-president. The woman isn’t what Gabby would peg as a threat but when she finds out that Carlos loved her even with the weight, she begins to freak out.

Susan Mayer: Susan’s story this week was actually pretty interesting. She has to deal with her accidental lesbian advances on her boss at the school and the uncomfortable tension was palatable. The best part was watching them discuss the incident in metaphor while trying to teach an art class. Which is it? The rhinoceros or the gazelle?

Lynette Scavo: Lynette spends the episode looking for a job. She has a bit of difficulty in that she appears to be too old for the advertising industry. She does end up landing a job, but turns it down to work at Carlos’ firm as the director of marketing. She now has a good job and is Gabby’s spy.

Bree Van de Camp: Bree is still dealing with Orson’s kleptomania even though she thought the issue was dealt with in the previous week. She decides to take Orson to counseling and secretly replace the items in the appropriate houses under the guise of neighborly visits…”Can I borrow a screwdriver?”

One of the major points in the episode is in discovering why Daniel hates Mike so much. The car accident that drove Mike and Susan apart was also the accident that killed his wife and child. Now, David, Katherine and Mike are headed to the woods and David’s plan is being set in motion. Next week someone is supposed to die! Can you say, “EXCITED!!”

In other news, I must apologize for my poor posting in the past few days. This was the end of my finals week and coursework had to take priority. I do plan on amending these posts as I get to watch the shows so come back to see what I have to say about Kings, Brothers & Sisters and Rock of Love.

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One thought on “On Sunday: Amazing Race, Kings, Brothers & Sisters, Desperate Housewives & Rock of Love Bus

  1. wonker says:

    Interesting blog, I’ll try and spread the word.

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